The other teaching faculties who are currently working in various capacities in the subjects Boards are:
Dr. S.A. Kalmegh | Philopsophy | Chairman | Board of Studies |
Dr. R.S. Wadbudhe | Mathematics | Member (Co-opted) | Board of Studeis |
Dr. V.B Bhagat | Zoology | Member | Board of Studies |
List of approved Supervisor for Ph.D.
Dr. G. N. Chaudhari - Chemistry
Dr. U.E. Chaudhari - Chemistry
Dr. P. R. Pundkar - Marathi
Dr. P.P. Deshmukh - English
Dr. C.D. Pakhare - Marathi
Dr. S. V. Satpute - Botany
Dr. R.S. Wadbudhe - Mathematics
Dr. S.A. Kalmegh - Philosophy
Dr. K.K. Mohadikar - English
Dr. U.B. Sangolkar - Economics
Dr. S.R. Kondulkar - Zoology
Dr. Y. S. Tamgadge - Physics
Dr. G. K. Reddy - Electronics
Dr. R.D. Mirge - Marathi
Dr. R.P. Ganorkar - Chemistry
Dr. M. B. Bobade - Botany
Other Achievements
Dr. C.D. Pakhare, from department of Marathi, has been conferred with the title of “Lieutinent” by the N.C.C., after successful completion of 3 months of rigorous training and has been working as the Officer-in-charge of the college N.C.C. unit.
Shri. V.N. Telmore has been elected as the member of the Executive body of Nagpur University Teacher’s Association (NUTA) of Amravati District.
Dr. S.R. Kondulkar is the Founder member of Indian Society of Arachonology.