Department of Economics was established in 1961 presently, it has been conducting the graduate as well as Post-Graduate course. Department of Economics is amongst the old of the department in the college, and it has made a qualitative contribution to Post Graduate education in economics . Professor Dr. D.S.Wakhare was the first Head of the Department an expert in Macro Economics as well as the Ph. D. Supervisor , Prof. J.J.Kherde was also the eminent in the field of Economics. Recently, Ex. HOD Prof. V.N.Bijwe was and expert in Agriculture Economics. Presently, Dr. U.B.Sangolkar is the Head; specializes in Agricultural Production and Marketing. Departmental strength also consists of Five CHB faculties specialized in varied areas of Economics. The faculty of Department actively participates in the extension services in collage . Apart from teaching faculty member of the department is actively involved in research and development.
Mission & Vision
Economic activities involved in the society and the object of subject center of the, Economics is a purely social. and general education course involving an elementary study of the economic laws that govern the behaviors of human economic activities in the fields of consumption, production, exchange, distribution and public income and expenditure. Subject matters are related to every human being those who are living in the society and benefited from the subject study.
The vision of the Department of Economics of exploring the economic study and analysis,policy framing and implementation issues faced by the Indian Economy along with the analysis of other economies in the world. The Department thrives to reach standards of excellence in Teaching and Research in Economics in future, because presently HOD has became Research Guide of Ph.D.
Admission : M.A.Economics – The Department admits students from various parts of the District as well as the near neighbor state Madhya Pradesh. The In-take capacity at entry point (M.A.-I) is 120.
Syllabus : : Course structure and curriculum the M.A. Programme- The semester system is being followed for the M.A. programme at the Department with a total of Four Semesters. Every Semester students have to appear for Two core or compulsory papers,they are required to offer two or three non-core or optional papers for 1st and 2ndsemester of M.A.I year for each semester a student has to take up four papers. The following are the compulsory and optional papers offered by the Department of Economics.
Marks and Evaluation : Each paper carries 100 marks. The marks for each paper are divided as 80 external or they paper marks and 20 internal or internal assessment applicable of UG and PG. Internal examination comprise of assignment, seminar and viva-voca at the end of each semester. At the end of the semester each paper has a 80 marks written external examination. For passing in each paper, a candidate must obtain 40 percent in the aggregate. The eligibility for passing also includes obtaining 08 marks in the internal and 32 marks in the external examination each.