The department has well equipped, spacious laboratories of Botany and plant tissue culture that provides safe and comfortable working environment for students. There is a good stock of required materials, specimens, apparatus, charts and chemicals etc. and which are being replenished from time to time.
Instrumental available in Botany Department:-
Sr. No | Name of Instruments |
1 | Automatic Slide Projector |
2 | Camera Sony Model No.DSCW-220. 12.1 Mega Pixel Carrying Case |
3 | Computer System P4-3.06 Intel H.D Printer 3940 Microtech U.P.S 600 V.A |
4 | Dissecting Microscope |
5 | Distillation Apparatus |
6 | Electronic Top Pan Balance Adair Dutt & Co. Capacity 200 gm,Acc: 0.01 gm . Pan Size :100 mu |
7 | Fire Extinguisher |
8 | Microscope Compound |
9 | Over Head Projector Modle-Paxilax-285 Deluxe Make-Braun Germany |
10 | Photo Electric Colorimeter |
11 | Projection Microscope Besto Screen of convex lense 6" Eye piece10 x Object 10x20x40 with all accories |
12 | Projection Screen |
13 | Refrigerator (whirpool) Cap-175 lit |
14 | Research Binocular Microscope |
15 | Triple Beam Balance |
16 | Electrophoresis Apparatus |
17 | Centrifuge Machine |
18 | PH meter Digital |
19 | Autoclave Vertical Electrical |
20 | Hot Air Oven Temp. 50 o C to 250 oC |
21 | Microscope with colour CCD Camera |
22 | Rotary Microtome |
23 | Slide Cabinate |
24 | Structure of DNA |
25 | Tissue culture Hood |
26 | Tissue Homogenizer 1/2 Morter 400 rpm Controlled 105 speed Regulator |
27 | Prismatic Binacular |
28 | Spectrophotometer |
29 | Laminar Air Flow |