Dr. O. S. Deshmukh
1) Participation in Global Tiger Day Organized by Melghat Tiger Reserve forest at Abhiyanta Bhavan on 29/07/2017
2) Published research paper on International Journal of Research in Bioscience Agriculture and Technology IJRBAT, special issue (2) vol. V July 2017 ISSN No 2347-517 x (online) on “Screening of phyto chemical and Antibacterial Activity of Cayratia trifolia Donin”
3) Published research paper on International Journal of Research in Bioscience Agriculture and Technology IJRBAT, special issue (2) vol. V July 2017 ISSN No 2347-517 x (online) on “Preliminary Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Ampelocissus latifolia ( Roxb) planch.”
4) Short term training programme at SGB, Amravati university Amravati inresearch methodology from 11/09/2017 to 16/09/2017
5) Published research paper on International Journal of Life Science special issue A8/ Sept 2017 on “Preliminary Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Parthenocissus quinueblia( L) planch” at Shivaji science college Amravati , National conference.
6) Participation in the STEM Teacher training workshop on Research based Pedoggical tools held from 6/10/2017 to 9/10/2017 at pt. Ravishankar shulkla University, Raipur chhatisgarh organized by ministry of science and technology MHRD and IISER pune department of biotechnology Govt. of India.
7) Awarded Dr APJ Abdul kalam Award for teaching excellence 2017 by Marina labs- research and development 14 Kavya Gordens N. T. Patel road , Nerkundram, Chennai on dated 21/10/2017.
8) Participation in National symposium cum workshop on science and technology forsustainable wildlife management, biodiversity and ecosystem in india on 3-5 December 2017 at Mudha, Bori, Harisal, Melghat forest and published a paper on Preliminary Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Terminalia bellirica (L)
9) Published research paper in Asian journal of science and technology ( Impact factor 5.544) Vol 8 Issue 11 pp. 6541-6544 , November 2017 as Preliminary of phytochemical and Antibacterial Activity of Wrightia tinctoria R. Br
10) Published research paper in international journal of current research ( Impact factor>.086) Vol q Issue 11 pp.60263-60266 , November 2017 as Preliminary of phytochemical screeningand Antibacterial Activity of Pueraria tuberose
11) Published research paper in international journal of pharmaceutical science and research ( Impact factor5.28) Vol 2 Issue 6 ovember 2017 p. no. 12-15 as phytochemical and FT- IR spectral analysis of cyclea peltata (Lamk) Hook an endemic medicinal plant.
12) Awarded Best Research Award -2017 by Hon’ble Shri Harshvardhan P. Deshmukh President, Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravati on 29/01/2018.