Dr. M.B. Bobade
Sr.No | Title | Journal | ISSN/ISBN No. | Impact Factor |
1. | Fossil Drupaceous Fruit Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, M.P., India. Vol.IV. Issue XI. pp., 183-186. Jan.2015 | Multilogic in Science | ISSN: 2277-7601 | |
2. | Fossil Dicotyledonous Capsular Fruit From Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, (M.P.), India.Vol.3.,Issue- 1, Pp 199-203., Sep.2015 | IJIFR | ISSN:2347-1697 Online | 4.164 |
3. | A Report of Petrified Monocot Leaf Cyperaceophyllum intertrappea From Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, (M.P.), India.8(2):220-223, April 2017 ) | Bioscience Discovery | ISSN:2231-024X Online | |
4. | Petrified Cladode Cladophylon dakshinensis gen.et.sp.nov. From Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, (M.P.), India.Vol 5,Issue 1,Sep 2017 | IJIFR | ISSN:2347-1697 Online | 6.051 |
Sr.No. | Name of Sem/Con/Workshop | level | Place/Sponsoring agency | Date | Paper presented / Published |
1 | Participated in one day “Adolescent Education Programme” workshop organised by SGBAU Amravati | University | SGBAU | 17/01/15 | |
2 | Participated in one day seminar on “Aspect and Appraisal in Plant Sciences” organized by late P.Gawai arts and science college Shirpur Jain, Dist:Washim. | National | Late. Pundalikrao. Gawli college Shirpur Jain, Dist.Washim | 15/03/15 | |
3 | Participated in UGC sponsored national conference on “Recent Trends in Conservation of Biodiversity” organised by S.S.S.K.R. Inani Mahavidyalaya Karanja lad . | National | UGC | 12/03/15 | |
4 | Participated in “Massive training Programme” | University | SGBAU | 27/08/15 | |
5 | Participated & poster presented in National Conference On “Plant Diversity: Past & Present” organize by SGB Amravati University. | National | SGBAU | 30/12/16 | Paper Presented |
6 | Participated in Training Programme on “Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace” organize by Maharashtra State Commission for women. | University | University | 09/02/17 | |
7 | Participated in National conference organised by late P. Gawali college Shirpur jain on “Recent Advances and Opportunities in Biological Sciences”. | National | P.Gawli college Shirpur Jain,Dist.Washim | 17/03/17 | |
8 | Participated in one day State level workshop on “The Maharashtra Public University Acts 2016. | State | University | 27/04/17 | |
9 | Participated in “Maharashtra govt.tree plantation programme” | Govt. | Forest dept | 01/07/17 | |
10 | Participated in One Day Workshop On “Environmental Awareness Green Institute programme” organised by Amravati Forest division. | Division | Forest dept.Amravati | 06/05/17 | |
11 | Participated in Seminar on Current scenario in botanical research organise by S.S.College Akola. | State | UGC | 02/202/18 | Presented |
Sr.No. | Title with page nos. | Book Title, editor & publisher | ISSN /ISBN.No. | 1 | Anatomy(Chapter IV) 111-140 | Angiosperms Systematic, Anatomy & Embryology, Editor : Dr.Sahare & Dr.Hande Publisher: Nabhaprakashan. Amravati.2014-2015 |
978-81-905776-250-6 |