Articles / Chapters published in Books.
Sr. No. | Title with page nos. | Book Title/ editor & publisher | ISSN / ISBN No. |
1. | A Text Book of Botany B.Sc., Fifth SEM | Plant Physiology and Ecology Dnyan Path Publication | ISBN 13:978-93-87278-13-4 |
Sr. No. | Title | Journal | ISSN/ISBN No. | Impact Factor if any |
1. | Phytochemical and Spectroscopic analysis of Cyclea peltata Arn. ex Wight ( Family- Menispermaceae) Rhizome extract | International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research. Vol.3(1) pp. 936-940. | ISSN:2347-1697 | 4.164 |
2. | Traditional Ethno-veterinary practices in Betul district( M.P.) | International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, Vol.4 (10) pp. 423-428. | ISSN:2319-949 | |
3. | Plants used in Ethno-veterinary Medicines by Tribal Peoples in Betul District | International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.4 (10) pp. 1536-1538. | ISSN:2319-7064 | 5.611 |
4. | Studies on the Phytochemical, Spectroscopic Characterization and Antibacterial Efficiency of Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth ( Liliaceae) and Cyclea peltata Arn. ex Wight ( Menispermaceae), | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research,Vol. 2(6) pp. 171-176. | ISSN:3294-3211 | SJIF 2.026 |
5. | GC-MS Analysis of root acetone extracts of Spatholobus purpureus – A high Ethno-veterinary Medicinal Value Plant, | International Journal of Current Research,Vol.7 (11) pp. 1013-1017. | ISSN:0975-833X | |
6. | Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Six Medicinal Plants Used as Traditional Medicine. | International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences, Vol. 5(6) pp. 456-462. | ISSN:6299-0975 | 5.121 |
7. | Proximate analysis of root, stem and leaves of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. | International Journal of Chemical Sciences 10(2), pp 855-860. | ISSN: 0972-768X | |
8. | Phytochemical and FT-IR Spectral Analysis of Cyclea peltata – an endemic plants. | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research 2(6), pp 12-15. | ISSN:2455-4685 | RJIF 5.28 |
9. | Preliminary Phytochemical screening and anti-bacterial activity of Puereria tuborosa (Roxb. Ex Wild) DC. | International Journal of Current Research 9(11), pp 60263-60266. | ISSN:0975-833X | 7.086 |
10. | Preliminary Phytochemical screening and anti-bacterial activity of Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. | Asian Journal of Science and technology 8(11), pp 6541-6544. | ISSN:0976-3376 | 5.544 |
11. | Preliminary Phytochemical screening and anti-bacterial activity of Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch. | International Journal of Research in Biosciences, Agriculture and technology 5( special Issue 2), pp 361-365. | ISSN:2347-517X | |
12. | Screening of phytochemical and anti-bacterial activity of Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin. | International Journal of Research in Biosciences, Agriculture and technology 5( special Issue 2), pp 371-374. | ISSN:2347-517X | |
13. | GC-MS Analysis of Phytochemicals in Aqueous extract of Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson . | International Journal of Scientific Research 4(11), pp 350-351. | ISSN:2277-8179 | |
14. | GC-MS Analysis of root acetone extract of Spatholobus purpureus – A High Ethnoveterinary medicinal value plants. | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical Research 2(6), pp 171-176. | ||
15. | Plants used in Ethnoveterinary medicines by tribal peoples in Betul dristrict , Madhya Pradesh, India., | International Journal of Science and Research 4(10), pp 1536-1538. | ||
16. | Plants used in Ethnoveterinary medicines by tribal peoples in Betul dristrict , Madhya Pradesh, India., | Journal of Global Biosciences 4(8), pp 3049-3054. | ISSN: 2320-1355 | |
17. | GC-MS Analysis of stem bark benzene extract of Wrightia tinxctoria – A High Ethnoveterinary medicinal value plants. | The Botanique 20(1), pp 9-13. | ||
18. | Preliminary phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Parthnocissus quinquefolia (L) planch | International Journal of Life Science, special issue , A8 September,2017 (NCBB-2017) | ISSN: 2320-7817 | |
19. | Plants used in Ethno-veterinary medicine by tribal peoples in Betul district, M.P. India | International Journal of Applied Research, special issue , Part B pp. 34-39 March 2017 | ISSN:2394-7500 | RJIFR 5.2 |